Angela Kadin
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Meet Angela

Being raised on a highly processed diet, I was overfed but malnourished. The additives in the processed foods harmed my body and mind which lead to a decade long battle with an eating disorder. At the age of 15, my general practitioner’s well intended prescription to remedy my dysfunctional eating was medication. My eagerness to end the food addiction began immediately after that doctor’s visit… and soon, I found myself in the school hallway kicked out of biology class for researching natural supplements to decrease sugar cravings.

I spent the remainder of my high school years and early 20’s experiencing the counter-intuitive and negative side effects of the medication. Intuitively, taking a pill every day never resonated with me - nor proving itself to be a solution to heal my body, mind and dysfunctional relationship with food. My exhausting yet fulfilling journey continued... to heal and to question the root cause of the physical, mental and emotional dis-ease I was experiencing.


I equipped myself with the wisdom to successfully taper myself off antidepressants. The medication tapering process was a challenging period in my life but also the catalyst for awakening the healing power of my mind and body with the integration of a cleaner diet and natural solutions. This was a critical point in my journey - when I learned that our belief systems, the thoughts we think, the emotions we hold onto and the foods we consume have the ability to change our bodies, brain and mind.

I’d love to say my journey to better health has been perfectly linear but it hasn’t. From 2013 - 2016, I was under an incredible amount of stress and the physical manifestations included insomnia, adrenal fatigue, early onset of perimenopause with an extra 12lbs and a PTSD diagnosis. This “wake up call” required more mindfulness than ever before and I successfully reversed all symptoms with a more disciplined multifaceted approach - all without the use of chemical medicineThis successful recovery enhanced the sensitivity in my body allowing me to feel the energetic effects of food immediately - supporting my desire to not only practice intuitive eating but to eat for better intuition. physical and emotional well-being is a reflection of my growing Faith, respect for quantum physics and biology, strong advocacy for a nutrient dense diet and self-care and the courage to follow my heart. My lifestyle habits, personal relationships, self-care rituals and service through my clinic practice echo my values for living a purpose driven life with higher meaning.


Orthomolecular Nutrition + Functional Lab Testing

I’m a passionate and results-driven Holistic Practitioner with formal education in Orthomolecular Nutrition, Holistic Healing, Genetics, Detoxification and Toxicology and more. I’m based in Calgary, AB serving clients throughout Canada, USA, United Kingdom and Europe. My mission is to provide holistic support that is safe, evidence-based and effective. My approach with each client is to identify and address holistically the underlying root causes (under different categories of causative factors) that are having clinical significance on their health.

My formal education as a Holistic Practitioner includes international and accredited recognition in the field of toxicology and detoxification. I chose to specialize in cleansing, Biotherapeutic drainage and detoxification as toxins paired with deficiencies is the #1 driver of disease today. We aren’t just what we eat and absorb - we are what our body is able to cleanse, drain and detoxify. Now more than any other time in our collective history, our bodies require more specialized nutritional & supplement support and ongoing detoxification strategies to achieve optimal health.

I’ve been a Certified Raw Food Nutritionist™ since 2012 and obtained this education under well-known raw foodist, herbalist and health guru, David Wolfe. While I’m not a raw foodist myself, the most valuable module from this education was on brain health and the positive outcomes we receive when supplying the brain with proper raw live nutrient support, a subject that I have an incredible level of passion for.

I’m a Certified Life Coach™. Applying the principles of goal setting in my programs is what keeps my clients having a successful follow through. I have a near perfect success rate with my client work and my goal is to keep it that way.

Working in this field requires continuing education. I have completed various certifications and advanced training in nutritional science and energy healing including:

  • Orthomolecular and Holistic Nutrition Education Training Provider

  • Detox Specialist™, Diploma in Detoxification & Toxicology, Priming Cleansing, Drainage and Detoxification Pathways For Optimal Health.

  • GI Restoration and Gut Health. Root Cause Protocols for: SIBO, Gut Infection, Post Antibiotic Therapy, H.Pylori/GERD, Autoimmune, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis, Candida, Celiac Disease, Weight Loss.

  • Functional Stool Analysis. Understanding the Microbiome and its role on overall health, immunity and neurotransmitters.

  • Brain and Gut Microbiome. The bacteria in our gut have a powerful influence on thoughts, behavior & decision making. 

  • Genetics

  • Functional Lab Tests

  • Chronic Candidiasis & Mold Toxicity

  • Fructose and Fat Storage, Weight Loss Expert™

  • Certified Juice Cleanse Coach™. Juicing for cellular cleansing, self-healing, regeneration, natural beauty and weight loss.

  • Cellcore Practitioner, Advanced Parasite Cleanses.

  • Dr. Joe Dispenza’s “Change From The Inside Out” Progressive & Intensive Workshop

  • MindScape Meditation Certification™

  • Certified MegaFood Advisor™, Host Defense Advisor™ and Botanica Advisor™

  • Weekly 1:1 training with Naturopathic & Functional Medicine Doctors. And Practitioner Grade supplement suppliers.


In addition to my clinic practice, I’m a natural product educator for supplement companies.

All of this with over 10 years experience as a Spa Owner and Director, awarded with the Consumer Choice Award for Calgary’s Best Day Spa.

The combination of my formal training and overcoming my own health issues has confirmed that there’s no universal plan right for everyone. Everyone’s unique biochemistry, toxicity risk levels and detoxification capacity are different. Our health goals and challenges require a personalized case-by-case approach. For that reason, scientific research is moving towards a more individualized approach, and the primary application of personalized detoxification has been formulated into specific evaluation systems and proprietary methodologies that I utilize in all of my programs.

The name Nourished Results was chosen for my practice as I know firsthand that the opposite - malnourished results - from short-cuts, listening to hear-say advice, diet culture, a lack of self-care and ignoring the symptoms can wreak havoc on all aspects of our lives. I am now blessed with an incredible amount of respect for the medicinal intelligence found in nutrient dense foods, effective supplements & supplement strategy, homeopathy & Gemmotherapies - and know first hand that the body has powerful healing mechanisms which can be improved with proper personalized support.

Confidentiality, respect and a true likeness for each other is important for me. As someone who has been described as empathetic and always “shows up”, I have a genuine and deep yearning to see positive results in the people I work with. My passion, my mission is for YOU to achieve better health. Are you ready to experience Nourished Results?